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5 ways to shake up your exercise regime

22 October 2015
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Getting stuck in a predictable training routine can lead to boredom and eventually losing interest in exercise. But there are easy ways to shake up your workouts – we've enlisted the help of Virgin Active Personal Trainer Penelope Oldfield to give us her top tips as well as a couple of our own.

Try a new class

"Whatever your goal, variation is important," says Penelope. 

"Our bodies are made for survival and become efficient at what they perform regularly, resulting in less energy being expended, as well as building new muscle. This slows down toning results and fat burning. Mix it up to reach that goal and try a new class – Barre is a brand new class to Virgin Active that fuses classical ballet moves with Pilates, yoga and dance."

Go for a swim

"Swimming is a whole body workout which increases muscle tone, improves strength, endurance and cardiovascular fitness but takes some of the stress impact away from the body. Give it a go and reward yourself with some time in the steam room after your swim."

Have a personal training session

"Enlisting a personal trainer can help you create an exercise routine tailored to your needs and your goals. You don't need to have a session every week – just checking in with your personal trainer every couple of months is a great way to track your progress and motivate you to keep up your regime."

Change your scenery

If you’re always indoors at the gym then switch it up with a few outdoor sessions. A change of scenery is a great way to challenge your body. A change of scenery can also stimulate the senses, adding extra motivation to your #exercise routine.

Change up the time

Keep your body on its toes by changing the times that you exercise. If you usually train in the morning, try and fit in one evening session during the week. Or if it's possible, go for a run on your lunch break.

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