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Gemini forecast for Wednesday May 15, 2024

Updated: 9 hours ago
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If you're trying to keep things as they are, or to make them like they used to be, stop! As your ruler, Mercury, leaves its shadow and moves into Taurus, if you allow the waves of change to wash over your life, you'll feel reinvigorated. Don't worry about what might disappear into the surf. Or the speed of the current. You're being encouraged to make moves that will take you towards a more enriching future. Remember that you're an adaptable Gemini. If you're willing to go with the flow and explore, you'll see opportunities you want to embrace.

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May 14, 2024

"That which doesn't kill me, can only make me stronger." In a brilliant creative move, Kanye took Nietzsche's philosophy and made a mega hit. I don't suppose he'll bother with the philosopher's other big idea, nihilism; which says that nothing has meaning! Yet challenges make us stronger. And maybe true strength is realising that no matter how strong we are, we're mere strands in life's rich tapestry. If you've had enough of having to think hard and be strong, there's good news. Today brings a change that's worth singing about.

May 13, 2024

Ruled by Mercury, the planet that rules the mind, I don't need to tell you about the power of the imagination. Yet it seems other folk tend to undervalue the importance of this quality. Maybe that's because they don't connect creativity with power and authority. And maybe the reason they don't do that is that people in powerful positions don't tend to be imaginative! Inspiring visions can't be bound by conformity. They involve free-spirited thinking. If you dream bright dreams today, you'll find ways to start to realise them.

May 12, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some roads stretch in front of us towards the horizon with hardly a bend in sight. Others are so full of twists and turns we can only see as far as a few cars in front of us. In these more urban areas, we can only move as fast as the other traffic permits. In your relationship world, it feels like you've been stuck at a traffic signal, waiting for the light to change. As your ruler, Mercury, leaves its shadow, get ready to start moving. You know the destination you're aiming for? This week, you'll make progress, at a greater speed than you expect.

May 11, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Do you really need to read your forecast for guidance on a decision you're trying to make? Can't you just flick a coin? The cosmos is clearly sending you lots of signs and signals... so you don't need me to interpret them... do you? OK. Since you're here, I'll tell you what I see! You already know the answer you think you're seeking. It's just you're not trusting yourself enough to act on it. The good news is that this week, as your ruler, Mercury, leaves its shadow, you'll find the confidence and clarity to start making real progress.

May 10, 2024

No one on planet Earth is perfect. We all make errors of judgement. We all get things wrong and wish we'd done things differently. But not all of us set out to achieve the impossible. Most people are content to have 'normal' aspirations. But you don't fit into this category. You don't like making compromises. When you've set yourself a goal, you do everything in your power to achieve it. This weekend, as long as you keep things simple, if you reach for the highest standard, you'll come surprisingly close to achieving it.

May 09, 2024

Official ID papers contain lots of information about us. But they don't say anything about our personalities or our values. Today brings a chance to reassess your sense of identity; it's much more than your name, occupation, or qualifications. This is an opportunity to assess your achievements and appreciate the way you've dealt with the challenges that have come your way. As you establish a more positive view of yourself, you'll realise you're ready for the next stage of life's great adventure. Good. It looks very promising.