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Cancer forecast for Sunday May 19, 2024

Updated: 21 hours ago
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Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: "Nothing in the world is single; all things by a law divine, in another's being mingle - why not I with thine?" The poet Shelley's words describe the longing we experience when we yearn for love. Yet his poem also describes the relationship between rivers and oceans; no matter what's going on in our relationship world, we're all connected to one another and to the cosmos. That might sound a bit airy-fairy! But this week, if you're content with what's going on in your world, a connection with someone who truly 'gets you' is possible.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections with loved ones. Gather your closest friends or family to share stories, create memories, and savour the warmth of those precious moments. Learn More.

May 18, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: If you're on a train platform, you're not going to jump onto a plane. If you're at the bus stop, you're not about to set sail on a yacht. Even if you're embarking on a long journey, which involves different modes of transport, you need to know what to expect at each stage of the route. With that in mind, it's worth taking a look at where you find yourself this week, and where you want to go. The Full Moon brings the clarity to assess your situation and make a decision that enables you to make speedy progress to a great destination.

May 17, 2024

Humans are natural philosophers. We tend to think things happen for a reason. And if we don't know what the reason is, we blame ourselves for our lack of insight. We think that if we keep searching for it, we'll find it. So how are you going to explain the reason why things are due to work out for you this weekend? What have you done to deserve the gifts coming your way? Suppose, instead of wondering why what's happening is happening, you set out to enjoy yourself? You definitely deserve to have fun. And that's what's on offer!

May 16, 2024

Can you imagine what the world would be like if you could look at it with a child's mind? Would you be amazed at the extraordinariness of the clouds? Would you notice people's kindness? Would you be excited by the opportunities to have fun? With all its challenges, life on planet Earth has an effect on our attitude. It's easy to feel lacklustre. And you're still recovering from a disappointment. The good news is that the link between dynamic Mars and lucky Jupiter brings an event that can restore your enthusiasm. Yay!

May 15, 2024

You don't know what's on my mind right now. And I can't tell what you're thinking. Unless, that is, we focus and try to telepathically communicate. We'd need to try to project our thoughts, and open our minds to receive each other's signals. But even if we tried our hardest, there'd still be room for misunderstanding. Actually, we could be sitting in the same room and we might still talk at cross purposes! With Mercury moving into a new sign today, your insight is super-charged. Use it! Don't jump to hasty conclusions.

May 14, 2024

We don't like not knowing things. But if we had answers to every question, and there were no mysteries left to solve, what would life be like? Those ta-dah moments, which follow times of uncertainty, would be a great loss. So, let's turn our attention to the issue you're struggling to fully comprehend. What's the rush? If you take the pressure off, and allow yourself time to absorb what you already know, things will fall naturally into place. If you're kind and patient with yourself today, you'll make a discovery that will inspire you.

May 13, 2024

We don't find it easy to be straightforward. There are lots of reasons for this. We might be worried about being judged. Or fearful that people won't like what we want to say. And sometimes, we think we're being clear, but whoever we're talking to has other things on their mind and isn't properly processing what we're saying. For all sorts of reasons, you're dealing with a miscommunication issue. It's challenging because you've got a decision to make. And you need the facts. Ask clear questions today. You'll figure out what to do.